Academy Items for Sale

To purchase any of these items, contact a Chief Instructor.

  • Badges
  • Black belts


Academy badges are for sale to members only.

Item Cost
Academy badges $8.00
Assistant instructor badges $15.00
Chief instructor badges $10.00
Merit badges Branches to order directly from England or the USA. Orders can be placed online with a credit card and they generally arrive within 7 days.

Black belts

The Academy covers the cost of a belt for newly promoted Dan members.

Replacement black belts are available through the Academy for members. The cost varies, depending on what goes on them, from $30-$40 for up to 3rd Dan and $60-$70 for 4th Dan and up. The belts for 4th Dan and up take a considerable time to do, so allow at least 2-3 months for delivery.