A black belt is not awarded to just anyone; it has to be earned. It takes many years of training and dedication by a student and there are many requirements that must be met before a student can even be considered for selection to undertake a black belt course.
To get to this day Petra Clark and Mark Humphris, from the academy’s Nambour branch in Queensland, have had years of training through the lower grades, and for the past one and a half years they have lived and breathed the academy’s black belt martial arts course.
After a long hard test of their skills and knowledge they both successfully graded to Shodan (first level black belt) and for the grading students all the sacrifices and training has given them lifetime skills and memories.
After the grading an official black belt presentation ceremony and dinner, attended by academy members and guests, was held at the Southern Cross Yamba Sports Club in Phillip.
The ceremony was presented by the academy’s Principal, David Rowley, the official belt changing and tying was presented by the academy’s Deputy Principal, Edward Scharrer, and the taking of the black belt oath was presented by the academy’s Secretary, Peter Wilson.
There were two very happy new black belt members after the day’s events and the Peter Morton Academy of Judo Jujitsu Karate congratulates them both on a fine effort.
In the background at these events was Peter (Frog) Morton keeping his ever-watchful eye on things. Frog said that “I am very proud of the two students that graded to black belt and their type of dedication and loyalty is what makes the academy”.
Frog is also very proud of the two people that are heading the academy since his “official” retirement as Principal of the academy in October 2002 and he wishes to publicly announce what a great job the Principal, David Rowley, and the Deputy Principal, Edward Scharrer, are doing. He also acknowledges the dedication, loyalty and work that the Secretary, Peter Wilson, does for the academy.
The academy is now well into its forty-third year since it was first started by Frog as a community service to give the youth of Queanbeyan something to do and to get them off the streets. As long as its origins and principles are remembered and upheld, the academy will continue on for many decades to come.