The traditional training clothing worn on all occasions is called a Judogi (martial arts uniform).
As bare skin is open to injury and until a person has settled in and has decided to join the Academy, it is a requirement that they wear durable comfortable clothing such as tracksuit pants and a strong shirt.
Once a person has made a decision to continue training it is a requirement that they wear a judogi.
What not to wear
Earrings, rings, chains, watches and other jewellery must not be worn on the training mat and they must be removed or taped up securely before participation in a class.
Toenails and fingernails must not be long, they are to be kept short and clean.
Training is done barefoot and footwear must not be worn on the training mat.
Sensible dress is required. Skimpy or flimsy clothing must not be worn for training.
Eating, consumption of alcohol, smoking or chewing gum are not permitted on the training mat or in the training area.
Belts & gradings
Belt colour signifies a member’s rank or grade within the Academy. To go from one traditional belt colour to the next a student must pass a grading where they are tested on their abilities.
There is absolutely no pressure or competition for belt levels or to advance to a higher level, instead students are encouraged to train at their own pace. A student is only nominated to grade to a higher level by an instructor when that student and their instructor feel that the student is ready to progress to a higher level of training.
As a means of encouragement, some branches award merit badges to junior students for breakfalls, punching, kicking, Basic Steps Kata and jujitsu techniques.
For belt colours, see: Standards: Judogi – Belt